DMA Control Using EdmaMgr Functions

This OpenCL implementation also supports direct access to the EDMA system from the DSP and OpenCL C kernels. A wide range of EDMA constructs are supported. These include 1D to 1D, 1D to 2D, 2D to 1D, and chained transfers. See below for prototypes for these additional EDMA OpenCL C built-ins. Also refer to edmamgr example, sgemm example, and dgemm example for example usage. If used, please add #include <dsp_edmamgr.h> to your source.

The standard OpenCL C built-in functions async_work_group_copy and async_work_group_strided_copy will also utilize the on-chip DMA and can be used freely in combination with the EdmaMgr functions. The EdmaMgr functions are provided for additional capability over the standard OpenCL C built-in functions.

typedef void *EdmaMgr_Handle;

An opaque type used to hold EdmaMgr Handle data structures.

EdmaMgr_Handle EdmaMgr_alloc(int32_t max_linked_transfers)

Allocate an EdmaMgr Handle for use with all other EdmaMgr APIs. The max_linked_transfers argument should be 1 for a handle used with the single transfer EdmaMgr APIs. It can be greater than one for handles used with the multiple transfer APIs.

int32_t EdmaMgr_free(EdmaMgr_Handle h)

Free the resources associated with the EdmaMgr Handle.

void EdmaMgr_wait(EdmaMgr_Handle h)

Wait for all EDMA transfers associated with the handle h to complete before continuing this thread of execution.

Single Transfer EdmaMgr APIs

This group of EdmaMgr functions will initiate an EDMA operation on one source and destination addresses.

int32_t EdmaMgr_copy1D1D(EdmaMgr_Handle h, void *src, void *dst, int32_t num_bytes)
int32_t EdmaMgr_copy1D2D(EdmaMgr_Handle h, void *src, void *dst, int32_t num_bytes, int32_t num_lines, int32_t pitch)
int32_t EdmaMgr_copy2D1D(EdmaMgr_Handle h, void *src, void *dst, int32_t num_bytes, int32_t num_lines, int32_t pitch)
int32_t EdmaMgr_copy2D2D(EdmaMgr_Handle h, void *src, void *dst, int32_t num_bytes, int32_t num_lines, int32_t pitch)
int32_t EdmaMgr_copy2D2DSep(EdmaMgr_Handle h, void *src, void *dst, int32_t num_bytes, int32_t num_lines, int32_t src_pitch, int32_t dst_pitch)
int32_t EdmaMgr_copyFast(EdmaMgr_Handle h, void *src, void *dst)

Repeat the last EdmaMgr command using this handle, but with different src and dst address.

Multiple Transfer EdmaMgr APIs

This group of EdmaMgr functions will initiate EDMA operations on a set of source and destination address pairs.

int32_t EdmaMgr_copy1D1DLinked(EdmaMgr_Handle h, void *src[], void *dst[], int32_t num_bytes[], int32_t num_transfers)
int32_t EdmaMgr_copy1D2DLinked(EdmaMgr_Handle h, void *src[], void *dst[], int32_t num_bytes[], int32_t num_lines[], int32_t pitch[], int32_t num_transfers)
int32_t EdmaMgr_copy2D1DLinked(EdmaMgr_Handle h, void *src[], void *dst[], int32_t num_bytes[], int32_t num_lines[], int32_t pitch[], int32_t num_transfers)
int32_t EdmaMgr_copy2D2DLinked(EdmaMgr_Handle h, void *src[], void *dst[], int32_t num_bytes[], int32_t num_lines[], int32_t pitch[], int32_t num_transfers)
int32_t EdmaMgr_copy2D2DSepLinked(EdmaMgr_Handle h, void *src[], void *dst[], int32_t num_bytes[], int32_t num_lines[], int32_t src_pitch[], int32_t dst_pitch[], int32_t num_transfers)
int32_t EdmaMgr_copyLinkedFast(EdmaMgr_Handle h, void *src[], void *dst[], int32_t num_transfers)