OpenCL C Builtin Function Extensions

The following built-in functions are available from OpenCL C code on the DSP device. They are also available from standard C code that may be called from OpenCL C code. If using these functions in your standard C code, please add #include <dsp_c.h> to your source. This header defines the function prototypes.

uint32_t __core_num(void)

Returns the core ID of the DSP issuing the call. This will be a value in the range [0..N-1] where N is the number of C66 DSP cores in the device.

uint64_t __clock64(void)

Returns a 64-bit unsigned time-stamp representing the cycle count counter in the DSP. Calling this function twice and subtracting the results is a valid mechanism for determining the number of elapsed cycles between two points in your DSP OpenCL C or Standard C code. This function equates to the TSCH:TSCL register pair on the C66 DSP.

uint32_t __clock(void)

Returns a 32-bit unsigned time-stamp representing the cycle count counter in the DSP. Calling this function twice and subtracting the results is a valid mechanism for determining the number of elapsed cycles between two points in your DSP OpenCL C or Standard C code. This function equates to the TSCL register pair on the C66 DSP.

void __cycle_delay(uint64_t cyclesToDelay)

Given a number of cycles to delay, this function will busy loop for approximately that many cycles before returning.

void __mfence(void)

Creates a memory fence for the C66x DSP. This function is equivalent to the OpenCL C builtin function mem_fence(), but this version can also be called from standard C code called from OpenCL C code.

uint dot(uchar4 a, uchar4 b)

Compute the dot product of two uchar4 vectors and return the result as a uint. The C66x DSP can support this as a single instruction.

int dot(char4  a, uchar4 b)

Compute the dot product of a char4 vector and a uchar4 vector and return the result as an int. The C66x DSP can support this as a single instruction.

int dot(short2 a, short2 b)

Compute the dot product of two short2 vectors and return the result as an int. The C66x DSP can support this as a single instruction.

uint32_t __dsp_frequency(void)

Returns the clock frequency (Mhz) the DSP cores are running at.


In OpenCL C for C66 a uint32_t is an unsigned int and a uint64_t is an unsigned long. In standard C for C66 a uint32_t is an unsigned int and a uint64_t is an unsigned long long.