OpenCL for DSPC8681 Getting Started

Product Description

This product is an OpenCL 1.1 implementation. The OpenCL specification defines a platform model with a host and compute devices. For this implementation the host is a 32 or 64-bit x86 CPU running Ubuntu 12.04 and the compute devices are 4 Texas Instruments’ TMS320C6678 DSPs resident on a PCIe card installed in the Linux host.

Hardware and OS Requirements

  • Ubuntu 12.04 installation running on a 32 or 64 bit x86 machine.
  • An installed Advantech DSPC8681 quad DSP PCIe card configured for little endian operation.


The following instructions use the Linux command wget to retrieve software packages. If you are behind a corporate firewall, you will need to set the environment variable http_proxy to point to your proxy server.

  • export http_proxy=http://<your_proxy_server>

One Time Setup for 64 bit Linux

  1. cd $HOME
  2. sudo apt-get install wget libpciaccess-dev binutils-dev ia32-libs libsdl1.2-dev mesa-common-dev
  3. wget
  4. wget
  5. wget
  6. chmod +x *.bin
  7. ./desktop-linux-sdk_01_00_03_00_64bit_setuplinux.bin
    1. Choose your home directory as the installation location
  8. tar xvf opencl-dspc8681_1.1.3.0_linux_x86_64.tar.gz
  9. ./ti_cgt_c6000_8.0.3_linux_installer_x86.bin
  10. cd $HOME/desktop-linux-sdk_01_00_03_00
  11. make
  12. cd $HOME/desktop-linux-sdk_01_00_03_00/demos/scripts
  13. sudo ./
  14. sudo ./
  15. sudo reboot

One Time Setup for 32 bit Linux

  1. cd $HOME
  2. sudo apt-get install wget libpciaccess-dev binutils-dev ia32-libs libsdl1.2-dev mesa-common-dev
  3. wget
  4. wget
  5. wget
  6. chmod +x *.bin
  7. ./desktop-linux-sdk_01_00_03_00_32bit_setuplinux.bin
    1. Choose your home directory as the installation location
  8. tar xvf opencl-dspc8681_1.1.3.0_linux_i686.tar.gz
  9. ./ti_cgt_c6000_8.0.3_linux_installer_x86.bin
  10. cd $HOME/desktop-linux-sdk_01_00_03_00
  11. make
  12. cd $HOME/desktop-linux-sdk_01_00_03_00/demos/scripts
  13. sudo ./
  14. sudo ./
  15. sudo reboot

Per Shell Setup

The below commands are for sh or bash shells and are appropriate for a shell startup script.

  1. export TI_OCL_INSTALL=$HOME/opencl-dspc8681_1.1.3.0
  2. export TI_OCL_CGT_INSTALL=$HOME/ti-cgt-c6000_8.0.3
  3. export C6X_C_DIR=”$TI_OCL_CGT_INSTALL/include;$TI_OCL_CGT_INSTALL/lib”
  5. export PATH=”$TI_OCL_INSTALL/usr/bin:$TI_OCL_CGT_INSTALL/bin:$PATH”

These Environment Variables are recommended, but not required:

  1. export TI_OCL_CACHE_KERNELS=1
  2. export TI_OCL_DSP_1_25GHZ=1

See TI_OCL_CACHE_KERNELS and TI_OCL_DSP_1_25GHZ for descriptions of those environment variables.

Proper Setup Check

  1. cd $TI_OCL_INSTALL/examples/opencl/simple
  2. make
  3. ./simple


Please refer to TI OpenCL v01.02.xx User’s Guide for product documentation.


The product documentation may not include information specific to this alpha release of the DSPC8681 platform, but can be useful for generic TI OpenCL information.


  • The TI OpenCL implementation has passed conformance on other platforms with C66 DSPs as compute devices. However, the implementation for the DSPC8681 PCIe card is not yet a supported product and it has not passed Khronos OpenCL conformance. Consider this installation an early alpha version of this product. It is, however, complete enough to be useful under most circumstances.

  • OpenCL Images and Samplers are optional features for non-GPU devices and are not supported for the DSP devices.

  • This installation does not support the OpenCL ICD (Installable Client Driver). To avoid potential conflict with existing ICD enabled OpenCL products, this version will not be installed in the typical /usr/lib, /usr/include locations. It will instead be installed to a nonstandard location and an environment variable is used to locate the installation. To compile an opencl application you will need to point to the OpenCL headers and library.

    • Add -I$TI_OCL_INSTALL/usr/include as a compile options
    • Add -L$TI_OCL_INSTALL/usr/lib -lOpenCL -lbfd as link options
  • This installation will not allow concurrent Linux processes that contain OpenCL code. A file lock is used to sequentialize OpenCL access to the DSPs


See Examples


Product is based on a published Khronos Specification, and is expected to pass the Khronos Conformance Testing Process. Current conformance status can be found at