
Network graph viewer

The TIDL network viewer utility, tidl_viewer, can be used to view the network graph. If the dot utility is available, tidl_viewer uses it to convert the dot file to svg. dot is included in the Graphviz Ubuntu package and typically installed to /usr/bin/dot.

For example, the following command will generate a dot graph description for the tidl_net_jdetNet_ssd.bin network binary in

$ tidl_viewer examples/test/testvecs/config/tidl_models/tidl_net_jdetNet_ssd.bin -d

On x86/Linux, if /usr/bin/dot is available, tidl_viewer also generates an svg file,

SVG generated by dot

Fig. 6 svg file generated by tidl_viewer (click to enlarge)


If dot is not installed in /usr/bin/dot, tidl_viewer will not convert the dot to svg. The following command can be used to generate the svg file as a separate step: dot -Tsvg -o Additional information on Graphviz and dot available at:

Execution Graph viewer

TIDL API v1.2 enables generation of a log file with timestamps for the following methods in the ExecutionObjectPipeline and ExecutionObject classes:

  • ProcessFrameStartAsync (start)
  • ProcessFrameStartAsync (end)
  • ProcessFrameWait (start)
  • ProcessFrameWait (end)

Add the following call to the TIDL API application to enable timestamp generation:

bool EnableTimeStamps(const std::string& file, size_t num_frames);

The generated log file can be viewed on x86/Linux by using the script located at viewer/

-> <install path>/viewer/ timestamp.log

Fig. 7 shows the output of for the one_eo_per_frame example when run on an AM5749 with 2 EVEs and 2 C66x DSPs:

Output from

Fig. 7 Graph of frame index vs. execution time generated by (click to enlarge)

Note requires the Python Matplotlib module.