7. Change Log¶
-, Processor SDK 6.2
- Documentation clarification on unsupported variadic functions.
- 1.3.0, Released 04-12-2016
- Fixed memory leak with mapping variables
- Added support for AM572, 66AK2L, 66AK2E and 66AK2G platfroms
- 1.1.0, Released 09-10-2014
- Integrated TI’s Usage and Load Monitor library (ULMLib). ULMLib collects specific OpenMP runtime events into DSP trace buffers. More details here
- Non-OpenMP pragmas within target regions are now supported
- default clause on constructs is now supported
- Long long type for loop iteration variables is now supported for OpenMP loops
- An empty statement is no longer required to follow a target update construct
- 1.1.0, Released 07-30-2014
- Non-zero lower bounds for array sections is now supported
- Mapping sub-array sections of mapped array sections is now supported
- Added examples dotprod_fileread, edmabw, local, sub_section, vecadd_complex, vecadd_lib
- Device and if clauses are now supported on device constructs
- Memory management functions __TI_omp_device_alloc and __TI_omp_device_free have been replaced by __malloc_ddr()/__malloc_msmc() and __free_ddr()/__free_msmc()
- Creation of clacc static libraries is now supported
- Included man page for CLACC
- 0.3.3, Released 04-25-2014
- Fixed target region without map clause problem in parser, removed error description in readme
- Added examples target_implicit_map, target_orphan_call, target_update, dotprod, openmpbench_C_v3
- Performance optimization: CMEM cacheWb and CMEM_cacheInv’s done only when needed
- Supports applications written entirely in C