******************** Machine Learning ******************** Sitara Machine Learning toolkit brings machine learning to the edge by enabling machine learning inference on all Sitara devices (Arm only, Arm + specialized hardware accelerators). It is provided as part of TI's Processor SDK Linux, free to download and use. Sitara machine learning today consists of TI Deep Learning (TIDL), Neo-AI-DLR, TVM runtime, TensorFlow Lite, Arm NN, and RNN library. .. figure:: ../images/Sitara_machine_learning_stack_diagram.png :width: 1120px :align: center :height: 576px Sitara Machine Learnining Offering .. ifconfig:: CONFIG_part_family in ('General_family') .. rubric:: `TI Deep Learning (TIDL) `__ * Accelerates deep learning inference on C66x DSP cores and/or on Embedded Vision Engine (EVE) subsystems. * Available on AM57x device only. * Supports CNN at the moment, and imports Caffe, ONNX, and Tensorflow models. .. rubric:: `Neo-AI Deep Learning Runtime (DLR) `__ * Neo-AI-DLR is a new open source machine learning runtime for on-device inference. * Supports Keras, Tensorflow, TFLite, GluonCV, MXNet, Pytorch, ONNX, and XGBoost models optimized automatically by `Amazon SageMaker Neo `__ or `TVM compiler `__. * Supports all Cortex-A ARM cores (AM3x, AM4x, AM5x, AM6x Sitara devices). * On AM5729 and AM5749 devices, uses TIDL to accelerate supported models automatically. .. rubric:: `TVM Runtime `__ * Open source deep learning runtime for on-device inference, supporting models compiled by `TVM compiler `__. * Available on all Cortex-A ARM cores (AM3x, AM4x, AM5x, AM6x Sitara devices). .. rubric:: `TensorFlow Lite `__ * Open source deep learning runtime for on-device inference. * Runs on all Cortex-A ARM cores (AM3x, AM4x, AM5x, AM6x Sitara devices). * Imports Tensorflow Lite models. * Uses TIDL import tool to create TIDL offloadable Tensorflow Lite models, which can be executed via Tensorflow Lite runtime with TIDL acceleration on AM5729 and AM5749 devices. .. rubric:: `Arm NN `__ * Open source inference engine available from Arm. * Runs on all Cortex-A ARM cores (AM3x, AM4x, AM5x, AM6x Sitara devices). * Imports Caffe, ONNX, TensorFlow, and TensorFlow Lite models. .. rubric:: `RNN Library `__ * Provides Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) and fully connected layers in a standalone library to allow for rapid prototyping of inference applications that require Recurrent Neural Networks. * Runs on all Cortex-A ARM cores (AM3x, AM4x, AM5x, AM6x Sitara devices). * Integrated into TI's Processor SDK Linux in an OOB demo for `Predictive Maintenance `__. .. toctree:: :hidden: Foundational_Components/Machine_Learning/tidl Foundational_Components/Machine_Learning/neo Foundational_Components/Machine_Learning/tvm Foundational_Components/Machine_Learning/tflite Foundational_Components/Machine_Learning/armnn