MSP430 Assembly Language Tools v18.1.0.LTS User's Guide

Hex Conversion Utility Description

The MSP430 assembler and linker create object files which are in binary formats that encourage modular programming and provide powerful and flexible methods for managing code segments and target system memory.

Most EPROM programmers do not accept object files as input. The hex conversion utility converts an object file into one of several standard ASCII hexadecimal formats, suitable for loading into an EPROM programmer. The utility is also useful in other applications requiring hexadecimal conversion of an object file (for example, when using debuggers and loaders).

The hex conversion utility can produce these output file formats:

  • ASCII-Hex, supporting 16-bit addresses
  • Extended Tektronix (Tektronix)
  • Intel MCS-86 (Intel)
  • Motorola Exorciser (Motorola-S), supporting 16-bit addresses
  • Texas Instruments SDSMAC (TI-Tagged), supporting 16-bit addresses
  • Texas Instruments TI-TXT format, supporting 16-bit addresses
  • C arrays

The Hex Conversion Utility's Role in the Software Development Flow

Figure 12-1 highlights the role of the hex conversion utility in the software development process.

Figure 12-1 The Hex Conversion Utility in the MSP430 Software Development Flow hexconvflow_lau131.gif

Invoking the Hex Conversion Utility

There are two basic methods for invoking the hex conversion utility:

  • Specify the options and filenames on the command line. The following example converts the file firmware.out into TI-Tagged format, producing two output files, firm.lsb and firm.msb.
  • hex430 -t firmware -o firm.lsb -o firm.msb
  • Specify the options and filenames in a command file. You can create a file that stores command line options and filenames for invoking the hex conversion utility. The following example invokes the utility using a command file called hexutil.cmd:
  • hex430 hexutil.cmd

In addition to regular command line information, you can use the hex conversion utility ROMS and SECTIONS directives in a command file.

Invoking the Hex Conversion Utility From the Command Line

To invoke the hex conversion utility, enter:

hex430 [options] filename
hex430 is the command that invokes the hex conversion utility.

supplies additional information that controls the hex conversion process. You can use options on the command line or in a command file. Table 12-1 lists the basic options.

  • All options are preceded by a hyphen and are not case sensitive.
  • Several options have an additional parameter that must be separated from the option by at least one space.
  • Options with multi-character names must be spelled exactly as shown in this document; no abbreviations are allowed.
  • Options are not affected by the order in which they are used. The exception to this rule is the --quiet option, which must be used before any other options.
filename names an object file or a command file (for more information, see Section 12.2.2).

Table 12-1 Basic Hex Conversion Utility Options

Option Alias Description See
General Options
--byte -byte Number output locations by bytes rather than by target addressing --
--exclude={fname(sname) |
-exclude If the filename (fname) is omitted, all sections matching sname will be excluded. Section 12.7
--fill=value -fill Fill holes with value Section 12.9.2
--help -options, -h Display the syntax for invoking the utility and list available options. If the option is followed by another option or phrase, detailed information about that option or phrase is displayed. Section 12.2.2
--image -image Select image mode Section 12.9.1
--linkerfill -linkerfill Include linker fill sections in images --
--map=filename -map Generate a map file Section 12.4.2
--memwidth=value -memwidth Define the system memory word width (default 16 bits) Section 12.3.2
--order={LS|MS} -order Specify data ordering (endianness) Section 12.3.4
--outfile=filename -o Specify an output filename Section 12.8
--quiet -q Run quietly (when used, it must appear before other options) Section 12.2.2
--romwidth=value -romwidth Specify the ROM device width (default depends on format used). This option is ignored for the TI-TXT and TI-Tagged formats. Section 12.3.3
--zero -zero, -z Reset the address origin to 0 in image mode Section 12.9.3
Diagnostic Options
--diag_error=id Categorizes the diagnostic identified by id as an error Section 12.12
--diag_remark=id Categorizes the diagnostic identified by id as a remark Section 12.12
--diag_suppress=id Suppresses the diagnostic identified by id Section 12.12
--diag_warning=id Categorizes the diagnostic identified by id as a warning Section 12.12
--display_error_number Displays a diagnostic's identifiers along with its text Section 12.12
--issue_remarks Issues remarks (nonserious warnings) Section 12.12
--no_warnings Suppresses warning diagnostics (errors are still issued) Section 12.12
--set_error_limit=count Sets the error limit to count. The linker abandons linking after this number of errors. (The default is 100.) Section 12.12
Output Options
--array Select array output format Section 12.10
--ascii -a Select ASCII-Hex Section 12.13.1
--intel -i Select Intel Section 12.13.2
--motorola=1 -m1 Select Motorola-S1 Section 12.13.3
--motorola=2 -m2 Select Motorola-S2 Section 12.13.3
--motorola=3 -m3 Select Motorola-S3 (default -m option) Section 12.13.3
--tektronix -x Select Tektronix (default format when no output option is specified) Section 12.13.4
--ti_tagged -t Select TI-Tagged Section 12.13.5
--ti_txt Select TI-Txt Section 12.13.6
Load Image Options
--load_image Select load image Section 12.6
--section_name_prefix=string Specify the section name prefix for load image object files Section 12.6

Invoking the Hex Conversion Utility With a Command File

A command file is useful if you plan to invoke the utility more than once with the same input files and options. It is also useful if you want to use the ROMS and SECTIONS hex conversion utility directives to customize the conversion process.

Command files are ASCII files that contain one or more of the following:

  • Options and filenames. These are specified in a command file in exactly the same manner as on the command line.
  • ROMS directive. The ROMS directive defines the physical memory configuration of your system as a list of address-range parameters. (See Section 12.4.)
  • SECTIONS directive. The hex conversion utility SECTIONS directive specifies which sections from the object file are selected. (See Section 12.5.)
  • Comments. You can add comments to your command file by using the /* and */ delimiters. For example:
  • /* This is a comment. */

To invoke the utility and use the options you defined in a command file, enter:

hex430 command_filename

You can also specify other options and files on the command line. For example, you could invoke the utility by using both a command file and command line options:

hex430 firmware.cmd --map=firmware.mxp

The order in which these options and filenames appear is not important. The utility reads all input from the command line and all information from the command file before starting the conversion process. However, if you are using the -q option, it must appear as the first option on the command line or in a command file.

The --help option displays the syntax for invoking the compiler and lists available options. If the --help option is followed by another option or phrase, detailed information about the option or phrase is displayed. For example, to see information about options associated with generating a boot table use --help boot.

The --quiet option suppresses the hex conversion utility's normal banner and progress information.

  • Assume that a command file named firmware.cmd contains these lines:
  • firmware.out /* input file */ --ti-tagged /* TI-Tagged */ --outfile=firm.lsb /* output file */ --outfile=firm.msb /* output file */

    You can invoke the hex conversion utility by entering:

    hex430 firmware.cmd
  • This example shows how to convert a file called appl.out into eight hex files in Intel format. Each output file is one byte wide and 4K bytes long.
  • appl.out /* input file */ --intel /* Intel format */ --map=appl.mxp /* map file */ ROMS { ROW1: origin=0x00000000 len=0x4000 romwidth=8 files={ appl.u0 appl.u1 app1.u2 appl.u3 } ROW2: origin=0x00004000 len=0x4000 romwidth=8 files={ app1.u4 appl.u5 appl.u6 appl.u7 } } SECTIONS { .text, .data, .cinit, .sect1, .vectors, .const: }

Understanding Memory Widths

The hex conversion utility makes your memory architecture more flexible by allowing you to specify memory and ROM widths. To use the hex conversion utility, you must understand how the utility treats word widths. Three widths are important in the conversion process:

  • Target width
  • Memory width
  • ROM width

The terms target word, memory word, and ROM word refer to a word of such a width.

Figure 12-2 illustrates the separate and distinct phases of the hex conversion utility's process flow.

Figure 12-2 Hex Conversion Utility Process Flow hexprocflow_lau131.gif

Target Width

Target width is the unit size (in bits) of the target processor's word. The width is fixed for each target and cannot be changed. The MSP430 targets have a width of 16 bits.

Specifying the Memory Width

Memory width is the physical width (in bits) of the memory system. Usually, the memory system is physically the same width as the target processor width: a 16-bit processor has a 16-bit memory architecture. However, some applications require target words to be broken into multiple, consecutive, and narrower memory words.

By default, the hex conversion utility sets memory width to the target width (in this case, 16 bits).

You can change the memory width (except for TI-TXT format) by:

  • Using the --memwidth option. This changes the memory width value for the entire file.
  • Setting the memwidth parameter of the ROMS directive. This changes the memory width value for the address range specified in the ROMS directive and overrides the --memwidth option for that range. See Section 12.4.

For both methods, use a value that is a power of 2 greater than or equal to 8.

You should change the memory width default value of 16 only when you need to break single target words into consecutive, narrower memory words.


TI-TXT Format is 8 Bits Wide

You cannot change the memory width of the TI-TXT format. The TI-TXT hex format supports an 8-bit memory width only.

Figure 12-3 demonstrates how the memory width is related to object file data.

Figure 12-3 Object File Data and Memory Widths datamemwidth_lau131.gif

Partitioning Data Into Output Files

ROM width determines how the hex conversion utility partitions the data into output files. ROM width specifies the physical width (in bits) of each ROM device and corresponding output file (usually one byte or eight bits). After the object file data is mapped to the memory words, the memory words are broken into one or more output files. The number of output files is determined by the following formulas:

  • If memory width ≥ ROM width:
  • number of files = memory width ÷ ROM width

  • If memory width < ROM width:
  • number of files = 1

For example, for a memory width of 16, you could specify a ROM width value of 16 and get a single output file containing 16-bit words. Or you can use a ROM width value of 8 to get two files, each containing 8 bits of each word.

The default ROM width that the hex conversion utility uses depends on the output format:

  • All hex formats except TI-Tagged are configured as lists of 8-bit bytes; the default ROM width for these formats is 8 bits.
  • TI-Tagged is a 16-bit format; the default ROM width for TI-Tagged is 16 bits.


The TI-Tagged Format is 16 Bits Wide

You cannot change the ROM width of the TI-Tagged format. The TI-Tagged format supports a 16-bit ROM width only.


TI-TXT Format is 8 Bits Wide

You cannot change the ROM width of the TI-TXT format. The TI-TXT hex format supports only an 8-bit ROM width.

You can change ROM width (except for TI-Tagged and TI-TXT formats) by:

  • Using the --romwidth option. This option changes the ROM width value for the entire object file.
  • Setting the romwidth parameter of the ROMS directive. This parameter changes the ROM width value for a specific ROM address range and overrides the --romwidth option for that range. See Section 12.4.

For both methods, use a value that is a power of 2 greater than or equal to 8.

If you select a ROM width that is wider than the natural size of the output format, the utility simply writes multibyte fields into the file. The --romwidth option is ignored for the TI-TXT and TI-Tagged formats.

Figure 12-4 illustrates how the object file data, memory, and ROM widths are related to one another.

Figure 12-4 Data, Memory, and ROM Widths datamemrom_lau131.gif

Specifying Word Order for Output Words

There are two ways to split a wide word into consecutive memory locations in the same hex conversion utility output file:

  • --order=MS specifies big-endian ordering, in which the most significant part of the wide word occupies the first of the consecutive locations.
  • --order=LS specifies little-endian ordering, in which the least significant part of the wide word occupies the first of the consecutive locations.

By default, the utility uses big-endian format. Unless your boot loader program expects little-endian format, avoid using --order=LS.

The ROMS Directive

The ROMS directive specifies the physical memory configuration of your system as a list of address-range parameters.

Each address range produces one set of files containing the hex conversion utility output data that corresponds to that address range. Each file can be used to program one single ROM device.

The ROMS directive is similar to the MEMORY directive of the MSP430 linker: both define the memory map of the target address space. Each line entry in the ROMS directive defines a specific address range. The general syntax is:

romname: [origin=value,] [length=value,] [romwidth=value,]
[memwidth=value,] [fill=value]
[files={filename1, filename2, ...}]
romname: [origin=value,] [length=value,] [romwidth=value,]
[memwidth=value,] [fill=value]
[files={filename1, filename2, ...}]
ROMS begins the directive definition.
romname identifies a memory range. The name of the memory range can be one to eight characters in length. The name has no significance to the program; it simply identifies the range, except when the output is for a load image in which case it denotes the section name. (Duplicate memory range names are allowed.)
origin specifies the starting address of a memory range. It can be entered as origin, org, or o. The associated value must be a decimal, octal, or hexadecimal constant. If you omit the origin value, the origin defaults to 0. The following table summarizes the notation you can use to specify a decimal, octal, or hexadecimal constant:
Constant Notation Example
Hexadecimal 0x prefix or h suffix 0x77 or 077h
Octal 0 prefix 077
Decimal No prefix or suffix 77
length specifies the length of a memory range as the physical length of the ROM device. It can be entered as length, len, or l. The value must be a decimal, octal, or hexadecimal constant. If you omit the length, it defaults to the length of the entire address space.
romwidth specifies the physical ROM width of the range in bits (see Section 12.3.3). Any value you specify here overrides the --romwidth option. The value must be a decimal, octal, or hexadecimal constant that is a power of 2 greater than or equal to 8.
memwidth specifies the memory width of the range in bits (see Section 12.3.2). Any value you specify here overrides the --memwidth option. The value must be a decimal, octal, or hexadecimal constant that is a power of 2 greater than or equal to 8. When using the memwidth parameter, you must also specify the paddr parameter for each section in the SECTIONS directive. (See Section 12.5.)
fill specifies a fill value to use for the range. In image mode, the hex conversion utility uses this value to fill any holes between sections in a range. A hole is an area between the input sections that comprises an output section that contains no actual code or data. The fill value must be a decimal, octal, or hexadecimal constant with a width equal to the target width. Any value you specify here overrides the --fill option. When using fill, you must also use the --image command line option. (See Section 12.9.2.)
files identifies the names of the output files that correspond to this range. Enclose the list of names in curly braces and order them from least significant to most significant output file, where the bits of the memory word are numbered from right to left. The number of file names must equal the number of output files that the range generates. To calculate the number of output files, see Section 12.3.3. The utility warns you if you list too many or too few filenames.

Unless you are using the --image option, all of the parameters that define a range are optional; the commas and equal signs are also optional. A range with no origin or length defines the entire address space. In image mode, an origin and length are required for all ranges.

Ranges must not overlap and must be listed in order of ascending address.

When to Use the ROMS Directive

If you do not use a ROMS directive, the utility defines a single default range that includes the entire address space. This is equivalent to a ROMS directive with a single range without origin or length.

Use the ROMS directive when you want to:

  • Program large amounts of data into fixed-size ROMs. When you specify memory ranges corresponding to the length of your ROMs, the utility automatically breaks the output into blocks that fit into the ROMs.
  • Restrict output to certain segments. You can also use the ROMS directive to restrict the conversion to a certain segment or segments of the target address space. The utility does not convert the data that falls outside of the ranges defined by the ROMS directive. Sections can span range boundaries; the utility splits them at the boundary into multiple ranges. If a section falls completely outside any of the ranges you define, the utility does not convert that section and issues no messages or warnings. Thus, you can exclude sections without listing them by name with the SECTIONS directive. However, if a section falls partially in a range and partially in unconfigured memory, the utility issues a warning and converts only the part within the range.
  • Use image mode. When you use the --image option, you must use a ROMS directive. Each range is filled completely so that each output file in a range contains data for the whole range. Holes before, between, or after sections are filled with the fill value from the ROMS directive, with the value specified with the --fill option, or with the default value of 0.

An Example of the ROMS Directive

The ROMS directive in Example 12-1 shows how 16K bytes of 16-bit memory could be partitioned for two 8K-byte 8-bit EPROMs. Figure 12-5 illustrates the input and output files.

Example 12-1 A ROMS Directive Example

infile.out --image --memwidth 16 ROMS { EPROM1: org = 0x4000, len = 0x2000, romwidth = 8 files = { rom4000.b0, rom4000.b1} EPROM2: org = 0x6000, len = 0x2000, romwidth = 8, fill = 0xFF00, files = { rom6000.b0, rom6000.b1} }
Figure 12-5 The infile.out File Partitioned Into Four Output Files partition_newlau131.png

The map file (specified with the --map option) is advantageous when you use the ROMS directive with multiple ranges. The map file shows each range, its parameters, names of associated output files, and a list of contents (section names and fill values) broken down by address. Example 12-2 is a segment of the map file resulting from the example in Example 12-1.

Example 12-2 Map File Output From Example 12-1 Showing Memory Ranges

----------------------------------------------------- 4000..5fff Page=0 Width=8 "EPROM1"----------------------------------------------------- OUTPUT FILES: rom4000.b0 [b0..b7] rom4000.b1 [b8..b15] CONTENTS: 4000..487f .text 4880..5b7f FILL = 0000 5b80..5fff .data ----------------------------------------------------- 6000..7fff Page=0 Width=8 "EPROM2"----------------------------------------------------- OUTPUT FILES: rom6000.b0 [b0..b7] rom6000.b1 [b8..b15] CONTENTS: 6000..633f .data 6340..66ff FILL = ff00 6700..7c7f .table 7c80..7fff FILL = ff00

EPROM1 defines the address range from 0x4000 through 0x5FFF with the following sections:

This section ... Has this range ...
.text 0x4000 through 0x487F
.data 0x5B80 through 0x5FFF

The rest of the range is filled with 0h (the default fill value), converted into two output files:

  • rom4000.b0 contains bits 0 through 7
  • rom4000.b1 contains bits 8 through 15

EPROM2 defines the address range from 0x6000 through 0x7FFF with the following sections:

This section ... Has this range ...
.data 0x6000 through 0x633F
.table 0x6700 through 0x7C7F

The rest of the range is filled with 0xFF00 (from the specified fill value). The data from this range is converted into two output files:

  • rom6000.b0 contains bits 0 through 7
  • rom6000.b1 contains bits 8 through 15

The SECTIONS Directive

You can convert specific sections of the object file by name with the hex conversion utility SECTIONS directive. You can also specify those sections that you want to locate in ROM at a different address than the load address specified in the linker command file. If you:

  • Use a SECTIONS directive, the utility converts only the sections that you list in the directive and ignores all other sections in the object file.
  • Do not use a SECTIONS directive, the utility converts all initialized sections that fall within the configured memory.

Uninitialized sections are never converted, whether or not you specify them in a SECTIONS directive.


Sections Generated by the C/C++ Compiler

The MSP430 C/C++ compiler automatically generates these sections:

  • Initialized sections: .text, .const, and .cinit
  • Uninitialized sections:.bss, .stack, and .sysmem

Use the SECTIONS directive in a command file. (See Section 12.2.2.) The general syntax is:

oname(sname)[:] [paddr=value][,]
oname(sname)[:] [paddr= value][,]
SECTIONS begins the directive definition.
oname identifies the object filename the section is located within. The filename is optional when only a single input file is given, but required otherwise.
sname identifies a section in the input file. If you specify a section that does not exist, the utility issues a warning and ignores the name.
paddr=value specifies the physical ROM address at which this section should be located. This value overrides the section load address given by the linker. This value must be a decimal, octal, or hexadecimal constant. If your file contains multiple sections, and if one section uses a paddr parameter, then all sections must use a paddr parameter.

For more similarity with the linker's SECTIONS directive, you can use colons after the section names. For example, the data in your application (section partB) must be loaded on the EPROM at address 0x0. Use the paddr option with the SECTIONS directive to specify this:

SECTIONS { partB: paddr = 0x0 }

The commas separating section names are optional. For example, suppose the file contains six initialized sections: .text, .data, .const, .vectors, .coeff, and .tables. Suppose you want only .text and .data to be converted. Use a SECTIONS directive to specify this:

SECTIONS { .text, .data }

The Load Image Format (--load_image Option)

A load image is an object file which contains the load addresses and initialized sections of one or more executable files. The load image object file can be used for ROM masking or can be relinked in a subsequent link step.

Load Image Section Formation

The load image sections are formed by collecting the initialized sections from the input executables. There are two ways the load image sections are formed:

  • Using the ROMS Directive. Each memory range that is given in the ROMS directive denotes a load image section. The romname is the section name. The origin and length parameters are required. The memwidth, romwidth, and files parameters are invalid and are ignored.
  • When using the ROMS directive and the load_image option, the --image option is required.

  • Default Load Image Section Formation. If no ROMS directive is given, the load image sections are formed by combining contiguous initialized sections in the input executables. Sections with gaps smaller than the target word size are considered contiguous.
  • The default section names are image_1, image_2, ... If another prefix is desired, the --section_name_prefix=prefix option can be used.

Load Image Characteristics

All load image sections are initialized data sections. In the absence of a ROMS directive, the load/run address of the load image section is the load address of the first input section in the load image section. If the SECTIONS directive was used and a different load address was given using the paddr parameter, this address will be used.

The load image format always creates a single load image object file. The format of the load image object file is determined based on the input files. The file is not marked executable and does not contain an entry point. The default load image object file name is ti_load_image.obj. This can be changed using the --outfile option. Only one --outfile option is valid when creating a load image, all other occurrences are ignored.


Concerning Load Image Format

These options are invalid when creating a load image:

  • --memwidth
  • --romwidth
  • --order
  • --zero
  • --byte

If a boot table is being created, either using the SECTIONS directive or the --boot option, the ROMS directive must be used.

Excluding a Specified Section

The --exclude section_name option can be used to inform the hex utility to ignore the specified section. If a SECTIONS directive is used, it overrides the --exclude option.

For example, if a SECTIONS directive containing the section name mysect is used and an --exclude mysect is specified, the SECTIONS directive takes precedence and mysect is not excluded.

The --exclude option has a limited wildcard capability. The * character can be placed at the beginning or end of the name specifier to indicate a suffix or prefix, respectively. For example, --exclude sect* disqualifies all sections that begin with the characters sect.

If you specify the --exclude option on the command line with the * wildcard, use quotes around the section name and wildcard. For example, --exclude"sect*". Using quotes prevents the * from being interpreted by the hex conversion utility. If --exclude is in a command file, do not use quotes.

If multiple object files are given, the object file in which the section to be excluded can be given in the form oname(sname). If the object filename is not provided, all sections matching the section name are excluded. Wildcards cannot be used for the filename, but can appear within the parentheses.

Assigning Output Filenames

When the hex conversion utility translates your object file into a data format, it partitions the data into one or more output files. When multiple files are formed by splitting memory words into ROM words, filenames are always assigned in order from least to most significant, where bits in the memory words are numbered from right to left. This is true, regardless of target or endian ordering.

The hex conversion utility follows this sequence when assigning output filenames:

  1. It looks for the ROMS directive. If a file is associated with a range in the ROMS directive and you have included a list of files (files = {. . .}) on that range, the utility takes the filename from the list.
  2. For example, assume that the target data is 16-bit words being converted to two files, each eight bits wide. To name the output files using the ROMS directive, you could specify:

    ROMS { RANGE1: romwidth=8, files={ xyz.b0 xyz.b1 } }

    The utility creates the output files by writing the least significant bits to xyz.b0 and the most significant bits to xyz.b1.

  3. It looks for the --outfile options. You can specify names for the output files by using the --outfile option. If no filenames are listed in the ROMS directive and you use --outfile options, the utility takes the filename from the list of --outfile options. The following line has the same effect as the example above using the ROMS directive:
  4. --outfile=xyz.b0 --outfile=xyz.b1

    If both the ROMS directive and --outfile options are used together, the ROMS directive overrides the --outfile options.

  5. It assigns a default filename. If you specify no filenames or fewer names than output files, the utility assigns a default filename. A default filename consists of the base name from the input file plus a 2- to 3-character extension. The extension has three parts:
    1. A format character, based on the output format (see Section 12.13):
    2. a for ASCII-Hex
      i for Intel
      m for Motorola-S
      t for TI-Tagged
      x for Tektronix
    3. The range number in the ROMS directive. Ranges are numbered starting with 0. If there is no ROMS directive, or only one range, the utility omits this character.
    4. The file number in the set of files for the range, starting with 0 for the least significant file.
  6. For example, assume a.out is for a 16-bit target processor and you are creating Intel format output. With no output filenames specified, the utility produces two output files named a.i0, a.i1, a.i2, a.i3.

    If you include the following ROMS directive when you invoke the hex conversion utility, you would have four output files:

    ROMS { range1: o = 0x1000 l = 0x1000 range2: o = 0x2000 l = 0x1000 }
These output files ... Contain data in these locations ...
a.i00 and a.i01 0x1000 through 0x1FFF
a.i10 and a.i11 0x2000 through 0x2FFF

Image Mode and the --fill Option

This section points out the advantages of operating in image mode and describes how to produce output files with a precise, continuous image of a target memory range.

Generating a Memory Image

With the --image option, the utility generates a memory image by completely filling all of the mapped ranges specified in the ROMS directive.

An object file consists of blocks of memory (sections) with assigned memory locations. Typically, all sections are not adjacent: there are holes between sections in the address space for which there is no data. When such a file is converted without the use of image mode, the hex conversion utility bridges these holes by using the address records in the output file to skip ahead to the start of the next section. In other words, there may be discontinuities in the output file addresses. Some EPROM programmers do not support address discontinuities.

In image mode, there are no discontinuities. Each output file contains a continuous stream of data that corresponds exactly to an address range in target memory. Any holes before, between, or after sections are filled with a fill value that you supply.

An output file converted by using image mode still has address records, because many of the hexadecimal formats require an address on each line. However, in image mode, these addresses are always contiguous.


Defining the Ranges of Target Memory

If you use image mode, you must also use a ROMS directive. In image mode, each output file corresponds directly to a range of target memory. You must define the ranges. If you do not supply the ranges of target memory, the utility tries to build a memory image of the entire target processor address space. This is potentially a huge amount of output data. To prevent this situation, the utility requires you to explicitly restrict the address space with the ROMS directive.

Specifying a Fill Value

The --fill option specifies a value for filling the holes between sections. The fill value must be specified as an integer constant following the --fill option. The width of the constant is assumed to be that of a word on the target processor. For example, specifying --fill=0x0FF. The constant value is not sign extended.

The hex conversion utility uses a default fill value of 0 if you do not specify a value with the fill option. The --fill option is valid only when you use --image; otherwise, it is ignored.

Steps to Follow in Using Image Mode

Step 1: Define the ranges of target memory with a ROMS directive. See Section 12.4.
Step 2: Invoke the hex conversion utility with the --image option. You can optionally use the --zero option to reset the address origin to 0 for each output file. If you do not specify a fill value with the ROMS directive and you want a value other than the default of 0, use the --fill option.

Array Output Format

The --array option causes the output to be generated in C array format. In this format, data contained in initialized sections of an executable file are defined as C arrays. Output arrays may be compiled along with a host program and used to initialize the target at runtime.

Arrays are formed by collecting the initialized sections from the input executable. There are two ways arrays are formed:

  • With the ROMS directive. Each memory range that is given in the ROMS directive denotes an array. The romname is used as the array name. The origin and length parameters of the ROM directive are required. The memwidth, romwidth, and files parameters are invalid and are ignored.
  • No ROMS directive (default). If no ROMS directive is given, arrays are formed by combining initialized sections within each page, beginning with the first initialized section. Arrays will reflect any gaps that exist between sections.
  • The default name for the array generated for test.out is test_image_0. The --array:name_prefix option can be used to override the default prefix for array names. For example, use --array:name_prefix=myarray to cause the name for the array to be myarray_0.

The data type for array elements is uint8_t..

Controlling the ROM Device Address

The hex conversion utility output address field corresponds to the ROM device address. The EPROM programmer burns the data into the location specified by the hex conversion utility output file address field. The hex conversion utility offers some mechanisms to control the starting address in ROM of each section. However, many EPROM programmers offer direct control of the location in ROM in which the data is burned.

The address field of the hex-conversion utility output file is controlled by the following items, which are listed from low to high priority:

  1. The linker command file. By default, the address field of the hex conversion utility output file is the load address (as given in the linker command file).
  2. The paddr parameter of the SECTIONS directive. When the paddr parameter is specified for a section, the hex conversion utility bypasses the section load address and places the section in the address specified by paddr.
  3. The --zero option. When you use the --zero option, the utility resets the address origin to 0 for each output file. Since each file starts at 0 and counts upward, any address records represent offsets from the beginning of the file (the address within the ROM) rather than actual target addresses of the data.
  4. You must use the --zero option in conjunction with the --image option to force the starting address in each output file to be zero. If you specify the --zero option without the --image option, the utility issues a warning and ignores the --zero option.

Control Hex Conversion Utility Diagnostics

The hex conversion utility uses certain C/C++ compiler options to control hex-converter-generated diagnostics.

--diag_error=id Categorizes the diagnostic identified by id as an error. To determine the numeric identifier of a diagnostic message, use the --display_error_number option first in a separate link. Then use --diag_error=id to recategorize the diagnostic as an error. You can only alter the severity of discretionary diagnostics.
--diag_remark=id Categorizes the diagnostic identified by id as a remark. To determine the numeric identifier of a diagnostic message, use the --display_error_number option first in a separate link. Then use --diag_remark=id to recategorize the diagnostic as a remark. You can only alter the severity of discretionary diagnostics.
--diag_suppress=id Suppresses the diagnostic identified by id. To determine the numeric identifier of a diagnostic message, use the --display_error_number option first in a separate link. Then use --diag_suppress=id to suppress the diagnostic. You can only suppress discretionary diagnostics.
--diag_warning=id Categorizes the diagnostic identified by id as a warning. To determine the numeric identifier of a diagnostic message, use the --display_error_number option first in a separate link. Then use --diag_warning=id to recategorize the diagnostic as a warning. You can only alter the severity of discretionary diagnostics.
--display_error_number Displays a diagnostic's numeric identifier along with its text. Use this option in determining which arguments you need to supply to the diagnostic suppression options (--diag_suppress, --diag_error, --diag_remark, and --diag_warning). This option also indicates whether a diagnostic is discretionary. A discretionary diagnostic is one whose severity can be overridden. A discretionary diagnostic includes the suffix -D; otherwise, no suffix is present. See the MSP430 Optimizing C/C++ Compiler User's Guide for more information on understanding diagnostic messages.
--issue_remarks Issues remarks (nonserious warnings), which are suppressed by default.
--no_warnings Suppresses warning diagnostics (errors are still issued).
--set_error_limit=count Sets the error limit to count, which can be any decimal value. The linker abandons linking after this number of errors. (The default is 100.)
--verbose_diagnostics Provides verbose diagnostics that display the original source with line-wrap and indicate the position of the error in the source line

Description of the Object Formats

The hex conversion utility has options that identify each format. Table 12-2 specifies the format options. They are described in the following sections.

  • You should use only one of these options on the command line. If you use more than one option, the last one you list overrides the others.
  • The default format is Tektronix (--tektronix option).

Table 12-2 Options for Specifying Hex Conversion Formats

Option Alias Format Address Bits Default Width
--ascii -a ASCII-Hex 16 8
--intel -i Intel 32 8
--motorola=1 -m1 Motorola-S1 16 8
--motorola=2 -m2 Motorola-S2 24 8
--motorola=3 -m3 Motorola-S3 32 8
--ti-tagged -t TI-Tagged 16 16
--ti_txt TI_TXT 8 8
--tektronix -x Tektronix 32 8

Address bits determine how many bits of the address information the format supports. Formats with 16-bit addresses support addresses up to 64K only. The utility truncates target addresses to fit in the number of available bits.

The default width determines the default output width of the format. You can change the default width by using the --romwidth option or by using the romwidth parameter in the ROMS directive. You cannot change the default width of the TI-Tagged format, which supports a 16-bit width only.

ASCII-Hex Object Format (--ascii Option)

The ASCII-Hex object format supports 16-bit addresses. The format consists of a byte stream with bytes separated by spaces. Figure 12-6 illustrates the ASCII-Hex format.

Figure 12-6 ASCII-Hex Object Format ascii_hex_tdz079.gif

The file begins with an ASCII STX character (ctrl-B, 02h) and ends with an ASCII ETX character (ctrl-C, 03h). Address records are indicated with $AXXXXXXX, in which XXXXXXXX is a 8-digit (16-bit) hexadecimal address. The address records are present only in the following situations:

  • When discontinuities occur
  • When the byte stream does not begin at address 0

You can avoid all discontinuities and any address records by using the --image and --zero options. This creates output that is simply a list of byte values.

Intel MCS-86 Object Format (--intel Option)

The Intel object format supports 16-bit addresses and 32-bit extended addresses. Intel format consists of a 9-character (4-field) prefix (which defines the start of record, byte count, load address, and record type), the data, and a 2-character checksum suffix.

The 9-character prefix represents three record types:

Record Type Description
00 Data record
01 End-of-file record
04 Extended linear address record

Record type00, the data record, begins with a colon ( : ) and is followed by the byte count, the address of the first data byte, the record type (00), and the checksum. The address is the least significant 16 bits of a 32-bit address; this value is concatenated with the value from the most recent 04 (extended linear address) record to create a full 32-bit address. The checksum is the 2s complement (in binary form) of the preceding bytes in the record, including byte count, address, and data bytes.

Record type 01, the end-of-file record, also begins with a colon ( : ), followed by the byte count, the address, the record type (01), and the checksum.

Record type 04, the extended linear address record, specifies the upper 16 address bits. It begins with a colon ( : ), followed by the byte count, a dummy address of 0h, the record type (04), the most significant 16 bits of the address, and the checksum. The subsequent address fields in the data records contain the least significant bytes of the address.

Figure 12-7 illustrates the Intel hexadecimal object format.

Figure 12-7 Intel Hexadecimal Object Format intel_hex_tdz079.gif

Motorola Exorciser Object Format (--motorola Option)

The Motorola S1, S2, and S3 formats support 16-bit, 24-bit, and 32-bit addresses, respectively. The formats consist of a start-of-file (header) record, data records, and an end-of-file (termination) record. Each record consists of five fields: record type, byte count, address, data, and checksum. The three record types are:

Record Type Description
S0 Header record
S1 Code/data record for 16-bit addresses (S1 format)
S2 Code/data record for 24-bit addresses (S2 format)
S3 Code/data record for 32-bit addresses (S3 format)
S7 Termination record for 32-bit addresses (S3 format)
S8 Termination record for 24-bit addresses (S2 format)
S9 Termination record for 16-bit addresses (S1 format)

The byte count is the character pair count in the record, excluding the type and byte count itself.

The checksum is the least significant byte of the 1s complement of the sum of the values represented by the pairs of characters making up the byte count, address, and the code/data fields.

Figure 12-8 illustrates the Motorola-S object format.

Figure 12-8 Motorola-S Format motor_hex_tdz079.gif

Extended Tektronix Object Format (--tektronix Option)

The Tektronix object format supports 32-bit addresses and has two types of records:

Data records contains the header field, the load address, and the object code.
Termination records signifies the end of a module.

The header field in the data record contains the following information:

Item Number of ASCII Characters Description
% 1 Data type is Tektronix format
Block length 2 Number of characters in the record, minus the %
Block type 1 6 = data record
8 = termination record
Checksum 2 A 2-digit hex sum modulo 256 of all values in the record except the % and the checksum itself.

The load address in the data record specifies where the object code will be located. The first digit specifies the address length; this is always 8. The remaining characters of the data record contain the object code, two characters per byte.

Figure 12-9 illustrates the Tektronix object format.

Figure 12-9 Extended Tektronix Object Format tektronix_tdz079.gif

Texas Instruments SDSMAC (TI-Tagged) Object Format (--ti_tagged Option)

The Texas Instruments SDSMAC (TI-Tagged) object format supports 16-bit addresses, including start-of-file record, data records, and end-of-file record. Each data records consists of a series of small fields and is signified by a tag character:

Tag Character Description
K Followed by the program identifier
7 Followed by a checksum
8 Followed by a dummy checksum (ignored)
9 Followed by a 16-bit load address
B Followed by a data word (four characters)
F Identifies the end of a data record
* Followed by a data byte (two characters)

Figure 12-10 illustrates the tag characters and fields in TI-Tagged object format.

Figure 12-10 TI-Tagged Object Format ti_tagged_tdz079.gif

If any data fields appear before the first address, the first field is assigned address 0000h. Address fields may be expressed but not required for any data byte. The checksum field, preceded by the tag character 7, is the 2s complement of the sum of the 8-bit ASCII values of characters, beginning with the first tag character and ending with the checksum tag character (7 or 8). The end-of-file record is a colon ( : ).

TI-TXT Hex Format (--ti_txt Option)

The TI-TXT hex format supports 16-bit hexadecimal data. It consists of section start addresses, data byte, and an end-of-file character. These restrictions apply:

  • The number of sections is unlimited.
  • Each hexadecimal start address must be even.
  • Each line must have 16 data bytes, except the last line of a section.
  • Data bytes are separated by a single space.
  • The end-of-file termination tag q is mandatory.

The data record contains the following information:

Item Description
@ADDR Hexadecimal start address of a section
DATAn Hexadecimal data byte
q End-of-file termination character
Figure 12-11 TI-TXT Object Format ti_txt_tdz079.gif

Example 12-3 TI-TXT Object Format

@F000 31 40 00 03 B2 40 80 5A 20 01 D2 D3 22 00 D2 E3 21 00 3F 40 E8 FD 1F 83 FE 23 F9 3F @FFFE 00 F0 Q
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