Texas Instruments Technology for Innovators(tm)

UIA GA Release Notes

This release note is divided into the following sections:
Introduction, Documentation, What's New, Upgrade & Compatibility Information, Host Support, Dependencies, Device Support, Validation Info, Known Issues, Examples, Version Information, Technical Support.


This is a GA release of UIA 1.00.02.

Packages are provided as source code and prebuilt libraries. 


The following documentation is available:

Release notes from previous releases are also available in the relnotes_archive directory.

What's New

Defects Fixed in UIA_1_00_02.22

ID Headline
SDOCM00081894   We need a ServiceMgr.TransportType_NULL to reduce code footprint for multicore devices.
SDOCM00081892 Target package needs to update references to Multicore System Analyzer to new name (System Analyzer)
SDOCM00084362 update UIA example filter to only show examples for Arm and C6000 architectures
SDOCM00084118  Undefined feature error when installing a codegen update
SDOCM00083223  add Cortex-A8 vector floating point (A8Fnv) library support for UIA libraries
SDOCM00083130 LoggerCircBuf (et. al.) buffer is incorrect when numCores > 1
SDOCM00078177 LoggerCircBuf's ROV needs to show numCores
SDOCM00084412  Remove '|' from timestamp output from LoggerSM
SDOCM00084413  UIA's Linux code cannot be built for Andriod
SDOCM00084414 Add size parameter to loggerSMDump utility

For information on enhancements and defect fixes in earlier releases, please refer to the release notes from previous releases that are available in the relnotes_archive directory. 

Upgrade and Compatibility Information

UIA is backward compatible with the previous release.

Host Support

This release supports the following hosts:

Windows XP SP2/SP3

Windows Vista

Linux (Redhat 4 and 5)


This release requires the following other software components and tools versions to successfully function: 

Device Support

Expilict Examples
UIA libaries built for

Validation Information

This release was validated using the following components:

Known Issues

There are several know issues with this release.

ID Headline
SDOCM00081893   LoggingSetup.loadLoggingRuntimeControl is being ignored
SDOCM00081291   UploadMode_NONJTAG_AND_JTAGSTOPMODE does not do timestamp correlation
SDOCM00077654  UIA Scripts do not support multi-core well 
SDOCM00077653  Loading DSP on Netra example has lots of warning...but works
SDOCM00077649  Rta only obtains events from statically created logger instances
SDOCM00077589  IpcMP creates a replyMQ on each processor. It only needs it on the master.
SDOCM00077588  IpcMP should not assert in error conditions. It should log an event and recover.
SDOCM00077586  Rta's ROV only supports LoggerCircBuf
 SDOCM00077585 Need to remove all compiler warnings in evmti816x examples
 SDOCM00077324 ServiceMgr's ROV should obtain information from proxies
SDOCM00075422  LoggerCircBuf writes management of the pad is not optimal
SDOCM00084410 UIA's ServiceMgr cannot be stopped and restarted without reloading the targets
SDOCM00084411   Registry name is lost with UIA


UIA ships with with many examples that interact with System Analyzer

The following examples can be built for all the supported targets. The actual application is the same for all examples. The difference is the way the data is moved up to System Analyzer. Stairstep varies the Task, Swi and Hwi load every 5 seconds. When viewed on the CPU Load Analysis Feature, it looks like a staircase.
Multi-core Tutorials

Version Information

All releases have 4 digits (M.mm.pp.bb). This includes GA and pre-releases (engineering, EA, beta, etc.). Pre-releases are denoted with a suffix (e.g. or

This product's version follows a version format, M.mm.pp.bb, where M is a single digit Major number, mm is 2 digit minor number, pp is a 2 digit patch number, and b is an unrestricted set of digits used as an incrementing build counter.

To support multiple side-by-side installations of the product, the product version is encoded in the top level directory, ex. uia_1_00_00_38.

Subsequent releases of patch upgrades will be identified by the patch number, ex. UIA with directory uia_1_00_00_38. Typically, these patches only include critical bug fixes.

Please note that version numbers and compatibility keys are NOT the same. For an explanation of compatibility keys, please refer to the 'Upgrade and Compatibility Information' section.

Technical Support

For technical support, contact softwaresupport@ti.com

Last updated: Sept. 07, 2011