Texas Instruments Technology for Innovators(tm)

XDCtools GA Release Notes

October 12, 2020



RTSC / XDC (eXpanDed C) is a standard for reusable software components, optimized for real-time embedded systems. RTSC components have hardware-neutral formal interfaces, are configurable offline to optimize memory and performance, and support custom automation in the development environment via a scripting language.

The XDCtools product includes the following components:

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Almost all of XDCtools is released under either EPL v1.0 or dual-licensed under EPL or EDL v1.0. However, there are also a number of third-party components included which are made available under a number of other open-source licenses. A complete manifest along with export control information is detailed here.

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The product documentation for this release is available as:

All documentation is delivered with the product in the docs subdirectory. The most up-to-date docs can also be viewed in the RTSC-pedia.

Release notes from previous product releases are available in the relnotes_archive directory.

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What's New

This release adds significant new ROV capabilities: it now

To see a complete list of issues fixed in RTSC 3.62.x, click here.

The TI JIRA project release summary for XDCtools is here.

Note: XDCtools 3.55.x (and greater) for Windows targets purely 64-bit distributions for of Windows. As a result, this release requires a 64-bit Windows host. If you need to use XDCtools on a 32-bit Windows host, you must use XDCtools 3.51.x (or below).

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Upgrade and Compatibility Information

XDCtools 3.62.x has four significant compatibility requirements:

Code Composer Studio (CCS)

XDCtools 3.62 must only be used in CCS 7.1.x (or above).

In order to use XDCtools 3.62 in Windows CCS versions before 9.0.x, you must install the distribution of XDCtools that includes a 64-bit version of the JRE (because earlier releases of CCS only include a 32-bit JRE).

XDCtools 3.30 releases (and later) are no longer released in an installer, they are simply provided as .zip files which can be extracted into any directory that CCS uses to discover new products (e.g., c:/ti).

Note for Windows users: When you unzip an XDCtools release using Windows Explorer simply double click on the .zip file and drag the single top-level folder it contains to the folder containing ccsv6/ (typically c:/ti). If, instead, you right-click the .zip file and select "Extract All ...", Windows Explorer adds the name of the zip file itself to the default output folder. Do not use this output name. You must extract the contents of the zip file into, say, c:/ti, not a new folder named after the zip file itself.

Deleted Content

Beginning with the 3.31 release, all embedded targets and platforms have been removed. They are now delivered with middleware products, such as TI-RTOS, that have dependencies on specific targets and platforms.

Package Compatibility

Package internal files: All generated package internal files are backwards compatible starting from XDCtools 3.20. So, packages created using XDCtools 3.20 or later can be consumed using this release. However, changes to the generated C module headers requires that packages created with this release that contain non-metaonly modules cannot be used with XDCtools releases earlier than XDCtools 3.50.x. This includes the xdc.runtime package. See XDCtools Internal Version Numbers for additional details.

Generated Module headers: All generated module headers have been changed to support "const clean" configuration files (see Bug 506855) Because of this, all non-meta-only modules built with earlier releases must be rebuilt using XDCtools 3.50 (or above) in order to use the xdc.runtime provided by this release. As a result, XDCtools 3.50 (or above) can't be used with packages containing non-meta-only modules that were built using XDCtools 3.32 or earlier. In particular:

SYS/BIOS 6.46 packages can't be used with XDCtools 3.50 (or above); you must use SYS/BIOS 6.50.00 (or above)

Package-specific APIs: Each package has a compatibility key defined in its package.xdc specification file. No package compatibility keys were changed in this release.

Please note that the package compatibility keys are independent of XDCtools product release numbers (described in Versioning below). Package compatibility keys:

  1. Enable tooling to identify incompatibilities between components, and
  2. Convey end-user requirements when re-integrating specific components.

Package compatibility keys are composed of 4 comma-delimited numbers - M, S, R, P - where:

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Host Support

This release supports the following hosts:

Note: XDCtools 3.62.x is a pure 64-bit release stream that only supports 64-bit Windows hosts. If you need to work with 32-bit Windows hosts, you must use XDCtools 3.51.x or earlier.

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Device Support

Starting with release 3.31, XDCtools no longer includes specific embedded device support. As a result, users must either use another product (such as TI-RTOS), which includes any necessary device support or explicitly adds a repository containing the desired device support to the package path of their projects.

The complete list of targets tested by this release can be found here.

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Validation Information

This release was built and validated using Code Composer Studio version 10.1.00.

The targets supported by this release and the versions of the compilers used to validate them are listed here.

Go to the Known Issues section of these release notes to see any issues with the supported targets that were found but not fixed during the validation of this release.

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Known Issues

At the time of the release, the following notable issues remain outstanding

ID Severity Headline
XDCTOOLS-437 Major Multi-session ROV does not properly manage local storage

To see a complete list of open issues related to XDCtools, go to the XDCTOOLS project database.

To see a complete list of open RTSC issues, go to the Eclipse RTSC project's Bugzilla database. To file a new bug in this database, click here.

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All releases have 4 digits (M.mm.pp.bb). This includes GA and pre-releases (engineering, release candidates, etc.). Pre-releases are denoted with a suffix (e.g. and should not be used in a production environment.

This product's version follows a version format, M.mm.pp.bb, where M is a single digit Major number, mm is 2 digit minor number, pp is a 2 digit patch number, and b is an unrestricted set of digits used as an incrementing build counter.

To support multiple side-by-side installations of the product, the product version is encoded in the top level directory, ex. xdctools_3_15_00_50.

Subsequent releases of patch upgrades will be identified by the patch number, ex. XDCtools with directory xdctools_3_15_01_67. Typically, these patches only include bug fixes.

Please note that version numbers and compatibility keys are NOT the same. For an explanation of compatibility keys, please refer to the 'Upgrade and Compatibility Information' section.

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Technical Support and Product Updates

Support questions on the product should be posted to the Eclipse RTSC project's newsgroup. Check the XDCtools download site for the latest releases.

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Last updated: October 12, 2020 Build Ver: Rev: D08