Using Directives to Format the Output Listing

Macros, substitution symbols, and conditional assembly directives may hide information. You may need to see this hidden information, so the macro language supports an expanded listing capability.

By default, the assembler shows macro expansions and false conditional blocks in the list output file. You may want to turn this listing off or on within your listing file. Four sets of directives enable you to control the listing of this information:

  • Macro and loop expansion listing

.mlist expands macros and .loop/.endloop blocks. The .mlist directive prints all code encountered in those blocks.


suppresses the listing of macro expansions and .loop/ .endloop blocks.
For macro and loop expansion listing, .mlist is the default.

  • False conditional block listing

.fclist causes the assembler to include in the listing file all conditional blocks that do not generate code (false conditional blocks). Conditional blocks appear in the listing exactly as they appear in the source code.
.fcnolist suppresses the listing of false conditional blocks. Only the code in conditional blocks that actually assemble appears in the listing. The .if, .elseif, .else, and .endif directives do not appear in the listing.
For false conditional block listing, .fclist is the default.

  • Substitution symbol expansion listing

.sslist expands substitution symbols in the listing. This is useful for debugging the expansion of substitution symbols. The expanded line appears below the actual source line.
.ssnolist turns off substitution symbol expansion in the listing.
For substitution symbol expansion listing, .ssnolist is the default.

  • Directive listing

.drlist causes the assembler to print to the listing file all directive lines.
.drnolist suppresses the printing of certain directives in the listing file. These directives are .asg, .eval, .var, .sslist, .mlist, .fclist, .ssnolist, .mnolist, .fcnolist, .emsg, .wmsg, .mmsg, .length, .width, and .break.
For directive listing, .drlist is the default.