Example 10. Moving a Function from Slow to Fast Memory at Run Time
; define a section to be copied from SLOW_MEM to FAST_MEM
.sect ".fir"
.label fir_src ; load address of section
fir: ; run address of section
<code here> ; code for section
.label fir_end ; load address of section end
; copy .fir section from SLOW_MEM to FAST_MEM
LDR r4, fir_s ; get fir load address start
LDR r5, fir_e ; get fir load address stop
LDR r3, fir_a ; get fir run address
$1: CMP r4, r5
LDRCC r0, [r4], #4 ; copy fir routine to its
; run address
STRCC r0, [r3], #4
BCC $1
; jump to fir routine, now in FAST_MEM
B fir
fir_a .word fir
fir_s .word fir_start
fir_e .word fir_end